Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

SDS provides the detailed information for the safe use and potential hazards associated with the product. To download the document, click on logo located on the top right side for particular Category of Products.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please send us a request.

Product Datasheets

Click to the Product ID link to see the Datasheet (equivalent to Certificate of Analysis) containing detailed product information. Generally, our Product Datasheets include:

  • -- name and structure of the product,

  • -- molecular weight and polydispersity index,

  • -- brief description of synthesis,

  • -- characterization results,

  • -- and may also include other information (solubility, purity, etc.).

If you have any questions or need assistance with Datasheets, please send a request by email.

Quality Management System Documentation

If you have any questions regarding Polymer Source Quality Management System (QMS), please send a request by email.