Dr. Sunil K. Varshney
( Ph.D. in Chemistry )
President and Company Founder

Dr. Sunil Varshney has over 35 years of experience in polymer synthesis. Prior to founding Polymer Source Inc., he served as a product manager at Pressure Chemical Company (Pittsburgh, U.S.; 1992–1993), studied surface properties of block copolymer ionomers as a visiting scientist at McGill University (Montreal, Canada; 1991–1992), served as a project consultant at Norsolor–Orkem (later Atochem, now Arkema; France; 1988–1991), worked as a research assistant at the University of Liege (Sart-Tilman, Belgium; 1985–1991) and as a research officer at the Indian Institute of Technology (New Delhi, India; 1983–1985), and did a postdoctoral research at the University of Florida (Gainesville, U.S.; 1980–1982). He applied academia knowledge and experience in design and fabrication of tailor made polymers to industry level, and transferred the technology of living anionic polymerization of (meth)acrylic ester monomers (originally developed at the University of Belgium) to a scale-up production.

Dr. Varshney is a dedicated researcher who strongly supports R&D strategy at Polymer Source. He has contributed to over 100 scientific papers in international peerreviewed journals and 16 U.S., Canadian, European, and Japanese patents.

Mrs. Neelima Agarwal
( M.Sc. in Physiology )
C.E.O. and Company Co-Founder

Mrs. Neelima Agarwal runs the company for over 24 years. Her strong entrepreneurial drive allows Polymer Source to achieve success and financial stability. She is constantly working on business development and liaison between Polymer Source and collaborative companies to maintain business growth and to support Polymer Source world-wide reputation.


1. Scientific Team

Mr. Zhengji Song
( M.Sc. in Chemistry )
Senior Scientist - Anionic Polymerization Division

Zhengji obtained his Master’s degree in Chemistry from University of Montreal (Canada). He published over 10 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals. Zhengji joined Polymer Source in 2002, and now he is the Senior Research Scientist. He specializes in living anionic polymerization, fabrication of complex molecular structures; and also is an expert in specific glassblowing techniques.

Dr. Iryna I. Perepichka
( Ph.D. in Chemistry )
Professional Chemist, QA/QC manager - Analytical Services Division

Iryna obtained her Doctoral degree in Polymer Chemistry from University of Montreal (Canada), and got experience as a postdoctoral researcher at McGill University (Montreal, Canada), and as a visiting student at Durham University (United Kingdom) and New University of Lisbon (Portugal). She has published over 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals and contributed as co-inventor to a patent on novel light emitting polymeric compositions. Iryna joined Polymer Source in 2013 as a Research Scientist and ISO 9001 coordinator. She specializes in analytical methods of characterization: NMR, GPC/SEC, FT-IR, DSC, TGA, GC-MS and GC-FID; studies of rheological properties of polymers; and performs a number of R&D projects. Iryna is a member of Ordre des chimistes du Québec.

Mr. Jigneshkumar Patel
( M.Sc. in Chemistry )
Junior Scientist

Jigneshkumar (Jignesh) obtained his Master's degree in Organic Chemistry from V. S. Patel College of Arts and Science affiliated to Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (India). He has over 5 years of teaching experience as a lecturer and teaching assistant in Chemistry at high school and college (India). Jignesh joined Polymer Source in 2018 as a Juniour Research Scientist. He assists in organic and polymer syntheses and chemical purification.


2. Lab Assistants

Mr. Sandeepkumar Patel
Lab Assistant

Sandeepkumar (Sandeep) joined Polymer Source in 2018 as a laboratory assistant.

Mrs. Sahar El Sanadi
( B.Comm. )
Assistant Manager and Accountant

Sahar obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Ain Shams University (Cairo, Egypt) and Certificates in Commerce and Accountancy from John Molson Business School, Concordia University (Montreal, Canada). Sahar joined Polymer Source in 2013 as an office administrator and accounting technician.

Mrs. Rafouneh Rastkar
( G.D.B.A. )
Inventory Manager

Rafouneh obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Applied Chemistry from Islamic Azad University (Tehran, Iran) and Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from John Molson Business School, Concordia University (Montreal, Canada). She got 9 years experience as a sales expert at Boof Co., Ltd. (Iran). Rafouneh joined Polymer Source in 2013 as a product inventory manager.

Mrs. Becky Knowlton
Customer Service and Accounting Technician

Becky obtained her Certificate in Business Administration and Hospitality Management from Humber College (Ontario, Canada), and delivered over 12 years in customer support and 7 years in financial services. Becky joined Polymer Source in 2016 as an office assistant and customer service representative.

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